I have always thought people were crazy to go out and brave the chaos of Black Friday and I still do! Why would you not just want to stay inside your warm comfortable house in your PJ's and shop online? I mean you don't have to fight over that one good deal, but then I started to see all the fun others have getting out and making a tradition of the day. I mean who wouldn't want to play Black Friday Bingo and have the joy of finding all these crazy people and situations? I can definitely can find the joy in either..... so if you do brave the crowds then play some BINGO but if you are more like me and want to stay in your PJ's and shop online then please go check out our HOT DEALS happening all weekend long! We will have a site wide sale for wholesale and retail customers plus FREE shipping till Monday. Also, be on the watch for our DOORBUSTER specials! But most of all have a blessed and happy Thanksgiving.